New Markets Tax Credit Program - Accion Opportunity Fund
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New Markets Tax Credit Program

We invest in community service-focused projects with the potential to transform low-income communities. These projects are typically located in “targeted distress” census tracts where the poverty rate is 20% or higher, or the median family income is below 80% of the Area Median Income.

Focused on Those who Need Help Most

  • Nonprofit Community Facilities

    Organizations that provide services often neglected distressed areas, such as education, food, and temporary shelter.

  • Commercial Projects

    Focused on Native American communities with the goal of generating living wage jobs for tribe members.

  • Community Health Clinics

    Organizations that provide health care and social services that are a vital part of communities' social safety net

What is the New Markets Tax Credit Program?

The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) program was established by Congress in 2000 as a bipartisan initiative to encourage investment in distressed, low-income communities. NMTC investors provide capital to community development entities (CDEs), and in exchange are awarded credits against their federal tax obligations. CDEs develop projects that give new life to neglected urban neighborhoods and rural communities, support local business growth, and create jobs in underserved areas.

Our Results

$487.5 million invested aiding 483,000 people annually (data through 6/30/2023)


Invested in commercial real estate and Native American projects

1.8M Sq Ft

New or rehabilitated nonprofit community facility spaces financed


Low-income clients on an annual basis

Our Project Criteria

We are always on the lookout for high-impact NMTC-qualified projects. Whether you’re a financial institution, community-focused nonprofit, real estate developer, or another qualified investor, we’d love to hear from you.

$5 million minimum project size
Situated in qualified low-income census tracts
Project involving new construction or rehabilitation
Must provide clear benefits to low-income populations

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about our New Markets Tax Credit Program, please reach out to Priya Srinivasan at