Our Favorite Books for Entrepreneurs
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Our Favorite Books for Entrepreneurs

Looking for some inspiration for your business? Here's a list of some our favorite books for business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.


You are what you read! Wait, that’s not the expression – but maybe it should be?

The right book can challenge the way you think, shake up your world, and provide inspiration. What’s not to like about that? Here’s our list of the best ten titles that each and every entrepreneur should add to their bookcase for required reading. We put together a mix of classic titles and modern takes on the world of business so we’ve got both your fundamentals and your fresh ideas covered. These are some of the best books for entrepreneurs.


1. The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) (The Miracle Morning Book Series 1), by Hal Elrod

The author overcame a horrific accident and prevailed over serious injuries to become an ultra-runner (that’s MORE than a marathon at a time!), CEO, keynote speaker, and a family man. This book teaches you how to make each day count, starting each morning. You can use techniques to exercise control over your personal and professional life, for more day-to-day drive, focus, and happiness.


2. The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan

This bestselling, award-winning guide teaches you how to focus on that one thing to get results. The premise of this book is that multi-tasking drains us all, but true focus can empower you to reach your best results and personal goals. The key is knowing how to focus and when; this title walks you through the steps to achieving that intensity.


3. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons for Personal Change, by Stephen R. Covey

The title says it all: This is THE quintessential business read for anyone in business – whether you’re starting out in the mailroom or three months from retirement. The original was first published 25 years ago, and the material is as relevant as ever today. It examines the way successful people achieve their success and gives you a roadmap for following in their footsteps.


4. The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done, by Peter Drucker

This book offers five essential practices to learn for better business and a better life. This is a comprehensive, simple-to-follow guide on productivity and the benefit of doing things right the very first time.


5. The E-Myth Revisited, by Michael E. Gerber

Explore the lifecycle of a business to learn how to work well at each phase. Gerber lays down on the step-by-step concepts learned by franchisees when they open a new store. Even if you’re not a franchised business, learning how to run your company by the proverbial book can provide some insight into best practices for your own operations.


6. Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, by Gino Wickman

How to Run Your Business 101: This book is designed to outline key components to strengthen your business. Additionally, you’ll learn how to avoid the quagmire of weak-willed decision-making and stagnation. This is an essential read if you feel your business needs a jolt of electricity.


7. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill

If you build it, they will come. Hill explains how to overcome your own obstacles and harness your life into a life of success and abundance. Your thoughts translate into actions, so make sure your thoughts are in line with your business goals and aspirations.


8. How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie

Yet another heralded classic, this bestseller was first released in 1936 and has since sold more than 15 million copies. The ultimate tome on human nature, personal interactions, and the application of both to business settings – these lessons on psychology stand the test of time.


9. Quench Your Own Thirst: Business Lessons Learned Over a Beer or Two, by Jim Koch

Jim Koch is the founder and brewer of the extremely successful Samuel Adams, but in 1984, it looked like an unwinnable David and Goliath struggle: one guy against the mammoth American beer industry. Koch offers unprecedented insights into the whirlwind ride from scrappy start-up to thriving public company. His innovative business model and refreshingly frank stories offer counterintuitive lessons that you can apply to business and to life.

Building on the success of his craft beer company, Jim Koch founded the Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream philanthropic program in 2008 to support entrepreneurs facing the same challenges he faced back in the 1980s. Accion Opportunity Fund is proud to be the national nonprofit partner for the Brewing the American Dream program, connecting small business owners with access to coaching and expertise from Samuel Adams staff – including Jim Koch himself!


10. Reality Check: The Irreverent Guide to Outsmarting, Outmanaging, and Outmarketing Your Competition, by Guy Kawasaki

Edgy and entertaining – these two words are not often used to describe a business non-fiction book. The author’s writing style will keep you turning the pages, while his practical “been there done that” life-and-work advice will pay off as you learn to make your business the best it can be.


Start Your Business Bookshelf

Reading opens doors and exposes you to ideas that you may never have thought of on your own. Our list of best books for entrepreneurs is a jumping off point to help you learn practical, timely business skills from a diverse range of voices and authors. Happy reading!


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